Word of the day– Succumb
• It is a verb
Meaning: Bhent chadh jana (Die, Agree)
✓ After dieting for 3 hours, Manisha succumbed to the
temptation of vanilla Ice-cream
✓ We may succumb to flattery because it makes us feel
✓ The patient succumbed to his injuries
✓ About 400,000 Indians succumb to smoking-related
illnesses each year
Word Postmortem Series
Word of the day– Comprise and Consist
• Both are verbs
Meaning: To be made of small parts
✓ This book consists of 100 chapters (Correct)
✓ This book comprises 100 chapters (Correct)
✓ This book comprises of 100 chapters (Incorrect)
✓ The book/books is/are/was/were/ comprised of
100 chapters (Correct)
• Use the verb- comprise without “of”
• Use the verb- consist with “of”
• Use the adjective- comprised with “of”
Word Postmortem Series
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
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• YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/YETYourEnglishTutor
Word of the day– Provide
• Provide is a verb
Meaning: To give someone something
• They provided their support to us
• The provided us with their support
• This college provides good education to its students
• This college provides its students with good education
Phrasal verbs with “provide”
1. Provide for someone: To raise someone (पालना पोसना)
• The poor man has to provide for his three children
2. Provide for something: किसी चीज़ िा इंतजाम िरना
• The law provides for safety of the women
3. Provide against: किसी चीज़ से बचने िा इंतजाम िरना
• The law provides against crimes against women on roads
• We all should have insurance to provide against accidents
Word Postmortem Series
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
• Listen to this Audio on Khabri App:
• YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/YETYourEnglishTutor
Word of the day– Thereby
• Thereby is an adverb
1. इस प्रिार से
2. कजसिे चलते
✓ He stopped smoking and thereby became healthier
✓ The YouTube has also launched a short-video streaming app,
thereby increasing the competition for the Tik-Tok
✓ She topped the University Examination and thereby won a
Word Postmortem Series
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
• Listen to this Audio on Khabri App:
• YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/YETYourEnglishTutor
Word of the day– Thereafter
• Thereafter is an adverb
1. ठीि उसिे बाद
✓ He was born in Kolkata, but shortly thereafter his family
moved to Mumbai
✓ The COVID-19 originated in China and infected the whole
world thereafter
✓ Initially it was drizzling and thereafter heavy rains started
✓ India opened its market in 1992 and thereafter started to
grow at an enormous pace
Word Postmortem Series
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
• Listen to this Audio on Khabri App:
• YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/YETYourEnglishTutor
Word of the day– Subject to
• It is a noun, verb as well as Adjective
1. किषय (As a noun)
2. चेला (As a noun)
2. किसी िे नीचे (अधीन) होना
✓ My syllabus includes 6 subjects
✓ Plato was the subject of Socrates
✓ Mutual funds are subject to market risk
✓ Indian rails are subject to delays
✓ All objects are subject to gravity
✓ These rules are subject to change without notice
Word Postmortem Series
Word of the day– Pursue
• It is a verb
1. पीछा िरना
2. पाने िी िोकिि िरना (Career, Degree etc)
✓ I am pursuing a career in journalism
✓ She is pursuing her PhD. from a reputed college
✓ Salman has been pursuing Katrina for 20 years
✓ They decided to stop pursuing the matter
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• YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/YETYourEnglishTutor
Word of the day– Notwithstanding
✓ Not + with + standing
✓ Meaning: बािजूद इस चीज़ िे
✓ It is an adverb as well as a preposition
✓ Synonyms: Despite, In-spite of
• She went home alone, notwithstanding the midnight
(Prepositional use)
1. Alternative Form= Despite the midnight, she went home alone
2. Alternative Form = In-spite of the midnight, she went home
• It was midnight, but she went home notwithstanding
(Adverbial use)
No alternative form
Quiz- Make a sentence using Notwithstanding
Hindi- मुझे ये film पसंद नही,ं किर भी मैं तुम्हारे साथ Movie-hall चलंूगी
English- I don’t like this movie, but I will accompany you
Word Postmortem Series
YouTube Channel- YET: Your English Tutor
• Listen to this Audio on Khabri App:
• YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/YETYourEnglishTutor
Word of the day– Moreover
✓ More + over
✓ Meaning: और यही नही ं
✓ It is an adverb
Synonyms: Besides, additionally
• She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her.
Moreover, he was observing her strangely
• This novel is factually incorrect, moreover, a waste of time
• The rent of this flat is reasonable, moreover, the location is
Make a sentence using moreover
Hindi- ये खाना सेहतमंद है और यही नही ंस्वाकदस्ट भी है
English- The food is healthful, moreover, quite tasty
Word Postmortem Series
Word of the day– Nevertheless
✓ It is an adverb
✓ Means: बािजूद इस बात िे
Synonyms: Nonetheless, Howbeit
• This car is very expensive. Nevertheless, I will buy it
because it is my dream car
• The news of her accident is unexpected; Nevertheless, it is
• India has never bullied China; Nevertheless, China remains
aggressive on the border
• His face is very serious, nevertheless very friendly
Word Postmortem Series
Word of the day– Walk
V1 V2 V3 V4 We are walking
Walk Walked Walked Walking
She walks her dog every
Noun Walk I am going for a walk
Adjective Walking She is a Walking calculator
• Run before you walk = To do the difficult things first
• Walk free = To become free of a charge/blame without punishment
• Walk away = Run away from a difficult situation
• Walk off = To leave a person/ relationship in anger
• Walk off the job = To go on strike
• Walk out = To go on strike
• Walk off with something = To win or steal something
• Walk tall = To be proud of something
• Walk the walk = To prove that you are good at your work to others by
taking an action instead of talking about it
• Walk someone through something = To help someone learn something
• Walk on thin ice = To take risk
• Walk a thin line = To take risk
• Walk a tightrope = To be in a very difficult situation
• Walk down the aisle = To get married
1. He walked me through the process
2. The worker walked off the job
3. The manager told the employee to walk the walk
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• YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/YETYourEnglishTutor
4. With all her careless spending, she is walking a thing line
Word Postmortem Series
5. The thief walked off with my cellphone
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